Retail Pro Service Excellence Award 2019

CSP brings home PAKISTAN’s FIRST EVER Retail Pro Award!

Retail Pro International, a global leader in Retail Management Software has awarded its Service Excellence Award for Middle East & Africa, 2019 to a Pakistani company, its authorized business partner, Computing Solutions Pvt Ltd. Retail Pro has been powering Pakistan’s retail market for over 15 years and has seen a healthy growth in this market. However this is the first time that a Pakistani partner has claimed this award. The Service Excellence Award is based on feedback from customers and Retail Pro’s own qualitative evaluation of a partner’s service levels. It is a matter of great pride that Computing Solutions has qualified for this award in the very first year of its Retail Pro partnership.

On April 4-6, 2019, Retail Pro International successfully organized its ‘Retail Pro Global Council 2019‘ in Miami, Florida. The RPGC is an event organized to bring together partners from across the globe for the purpose of strategic unity and growth. Partners’ field insights are taken into consideration for shaping the future of Retail Pro.

The event also features recognition for those partners who have excelled on various accounts by way of Regional Awards

At the event, CSP won the honor of being awarded the coveted “Service Excellence Award – Middle East & Africa – 2019” – which is unique in the sense that this is the first ever award in a 15+ year history of Retail Pro’s presence in Pakistan for any award to be won by a Pakistani partner.

A huge THANK YOU to our customers, friends and well wishers who have made it possible for CSP – Retail Pro Partner Pakistan to achieve the coveted ‘Retail Pro Service Excellence Award’ for the Middle East & Africa region!

This award was given at the Retail Pro Global Council, Miami April 4 – 6, 2019.

It would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of our valued customers and well wishers – as well as the untiring efforts of our remarkable team!

We are greatly humbled to have been able to bring this unique honor to Pakistan.

Arsalan Ijaz Anwer – CEO, Computing Solutions Pvt Ltd

The event also showcased the innovations done by CSP for the global Retail Pro community – ‘Retail Insights‘ and ‘Retail Pro Cloud‘.

CSP’s presence at the event and this award not only speaks of CSP’s commitment towards its customers and the Retail Pro Community but also shows the customer’s level of satisfaction with our services.

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Retail Pro Pakistan Authorized Business Partner - CSP POS